I was led by the Nazareth spirit?
significant changes have happened to me since I became an LJ:
First, it has
made me aware of my mission in the Church. I became aware that, like the clergy
and the religious, I have also an important and irreplaceable role to play in
the church. I realized that the Church will not succeed in its mission unless
the laity, who comprises the majority member of the Church, is activated.
Thanks to Lay Josephine!
I see work differently now. Before, I just see work as a means of livelihood.
Now, I see God in my work. I have become aware that work is a participation in
the creative, redemptive, and transformative work of God. This awareness of
God’s presence in work inspires and motivates me to work well, knowing that the
quality of my work reflects the quality of my love for
God. Oh, how the world of work will change if only it is animated by the spirit
of Nazareth. Thanks to SSJ!