viernes, 15 de mayo de 2020


On April 27, 2019, the first formation session for the newly recruited Lay Josephine Youth and Kids was conducted which served as an orientation for them about the kind of life that they will embrace as Lay Josephine Kids and Lay Josephine Youth. It also set the beginning of their journey towards their human and spiritual growth as they would gradually know, learn and appreciate and apply in their own simple way the Nazareth spirituality and values that would be taught to them by the Lay Josephines .

The party itself started with the presentation of three booths: (1) Founders, (2) Holy Family and (3) LJ & SSJ. It was followed by a Eucharistic Celebration. Children coming from different family settings attended and enjoyed the party, learning at the same time the values and the Charism that the Lay Josephines have committed themselves to live.

On May 20, 2018, in Olopsville, San Mateo, Rizal, the first swimming event of the Lay Josephine Kids and Lay Josephine Youth took place. There were also boodle fights which filled the hungry stomach of every participant. This activity succeeded very well in instilling cooperation and camaraderie among the newly-recruited members.

In this once in a lifetime immersion with the poorest of the poor by the Lay Josephine Kids and the Lay Josephine Youth, they realized how lucky they are in their current situations. They were also very grateful to be given an opportunity to mingle with the children in the community of Payatas.

This powerful song was made even more powerful by the newly accepted members of the Lay Josephine Kids and Lay Josephine Youth as they sing it together with their family members, hoping that together with the global community, this pandemic which has already claimed so many lives will finally be put to end.. .Surely, this will signify the victory of the Almighty God over this covid-19 pandemic.

Finally, after a series of formation given by the Lay Josephine themselves, the Lay Josephine Youth and Lay Josephine Kids have come to the final part of their training which is just the start of their religious journey- their commitment as an LJ Kid or as an LJ Youth. This pandemic was not able to stop them from being accepted formally to the Lay Josephines. It even led them to show their creativity in making the ONLINE PLATFORM as an instrument by which they committed themselves as Lay Josephine Kids and Lay Josephine Youth.

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